Adventures with Nature Norm – World Migratory Bird Day
Agassiz Interpretive Trail 7km west of Vita on 201, Stuartburn, Ma, CanadaRe-connecting nature & neighbours!
Southeast Farmer’s Market & Mother’s Day Tea
Piney Community Centre 5017 PTH 89, Piney, Manitoba, CanadaIf you can't make it, bake it or grow local and buy it at the Farmer's Market.
Car Show on the Ridge
M.A. Querel Community Park Dennis St., Woodridge, Manitoba, Canada3rd annual fundraiser to support the Woodridge Firefighters Association
Vita & District Wildlife Association Fishing Derby
Head down to the Roseau River and see if you can catch the big one!
Sprague Texas Hold’em Tournament
Sprague Community Center 2045 PR 308, Sprague, Manitoba, CanadaCome try your luck at Texas Hold'em!
AC Music Festival
Gardenton ParkCome enjoy local Manitoban artists at our outdoor stage, playing Country, Folk, and Classic Rock music.
Adventures with Nature Norm – Butterflies
Agassiz Interpretive Trail 7km west of Vita on 201, Stuartburn, Ma, CanadaRe-connecting nature & neighbours!
HWY 201 Garage Sale
Take a ride down HWY 201 and see what treasures you may find.
Southeast Farmer’s Market
Pine Grove Seniors CentreIf you can't make it, bake it or grow local and buy it at the Farmer's Market.
Southeast Farmer’s Market
Pine Grove Seniors CentreIf you can't make it, bake it or grow local and buy it at the Farmer's Market.
RM of Piney Forest Tours
Piney Community Centre 5017 PTH 89, Piney, Manitoba, CanadaSaturday, June 8th, 2024 from 1:00 – 3:30pm FORESTRY 101 – WISDOM IN THE WOODS Saturday, August 24th, 2024 from 1:00 – 3:30pm BECOMING FIRESMART Saturday, September 21st, 2024 from […]
Sprague & District Historical Museum Picnic
Sprague & District Historical Museum 34 May Ave., Sprague, Manitoba, CanadaJoin the annual picnic and discover the fascinating history of the RM of Piney.