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While the name Sunrise Corner may be relatively new, this region has a long history as an incredible place to live, work, play, visit, invest and explore.

Sunrise Corner is the geographic area covered by the Rural Municipalities of Piney and Stuartburn in Manitoba’s southeast corner – the place where the sun first rises in our beautiful province and nature shines. #natureshinesmb

Sunrise Corner is also the economic development office that was formed through a partnership of the two municipalities – a forward-thinking initiative to build awareness of our region where, truly, untapped opportunity shines. #opportunityshinesmb

It all started with Sunrise Corner Tourism in 2016 encouraging visitors to discover our beautiful corner of Manitoba. In 2019, the councils of both RMs realized the need to expand the focus so formed the Piney Stuartburn Economic Development District, the guiding force behind Sunrise Corner. This progressive step resulted in the addition of a full-time economic development manager to spearhead development from several perspectives.

In addition to tourism, Sunrise Corner is now focused on building a sustainable regional approach: helping new businesses launch and existing businesses expand, growing jobs through our abundant natural resources and agricultural sector, and working towards solutions for issues like housing options for seniors and families, and accommodations for tourists and temporary workers.


Our vision statement represents what Sunrise Corner believes the citizens want the community to be like in the future:

Sunrise Corner is an incredible place to live, work, play, visit, invest and explore, known for sustainable economic development balancing exceptional rural quality of life.


Our mission statement describes Sunrise Corner’s reason for being, capturing the essence of our core purpose:

To deliver forward-thinking economic development services and opportunities in Sunrise Corner so that:
BUSINESSES receive the support they need to thrive;
EMPLOYEES have satisfying work to provide for their families;
CONSUMERS find the quality products and services they need;
VISITORS appreciate and share their experiences; and
RESIDENTS live well, proud of their communities.


Values are the ideals we refuse to compromise as we conduct our mission in pursuit of our vision.

Accountability: We are transparent in our use of public funds to create opportunities.
Collaboration: We build strong relationships with our diverse community stakeholders.
Integrity: We value all perspectives and treat everyone with honesty and respect.
Leadership: We are creative and innovative, thinking beyond today to deliver future value.
Sustainability: We measure success by balancing quality of life with stable growth.

We look forward to achieving steady progress on our mission, grounded in our values, ultimately making our vision a reality. We also know that everyone has a role to play in that success, whether it’s supporting local businesses, starting a new business to pursue your passion, volunteering time for a community fundraiser, or mentoring young people to help them launch their future right here in Sunrise Corner.

We welcome your thoughts, ideas and feedback. info@sunrisecornermb.ca