EBCH Book Sale
Sprague Community Center 2045 PR 308, Sprague, Manitoba, CanadaGet some great books while supporting seniors housing in our region.
Vehicle Scavenger Hunt
Vita Rest Area Vendor Market Vita, Manitoba, CanadaFun for the whole family!
Southeast Farmer’s Market
Pine Grove Seniors CentreIf you can't make it, bake it or grow it...support local and buy it at the Farmer's Market.
Southeast Farmer’s Market
Pine Grove Seniors CentreIf you can't make it, bake it or grow it...support local and buy it at the Farmer's Market.
Pancake Breakfast
Vita Friendship Centre 226 Home St, Vita, Manitoba, CanadaCome down for a delicious Sunday morning breakfast.
RLG Halloween Community Parade
Come out and enjoy all the costumes as they parade through Sprague!
Community Celebration
Weston Family Tall Grass Prairie Interpretive Centre 32087, Road 10N, Stuartburn, Manitoba, CanadaLearn more about the Shared Legacy partnership at this free event.
Woodridge Open House
Woodridge Community CenterJoin the Woodridge Firefighters Association in celebrating the 10th Anniversary of their community Fire Hall.
Southeast Farmer’s Market
Pine Grove Seniors CentreIf you can't make it, bake it or grow it...support local and buy it at the Farmer's Market.
Southeast Farmer’s Market
Pine Grove Seniors CentreIf you can't make it, bake it or grow it....you can buy it at the Farmer's Market. A variety of local vendors will be selling their goods indoors at the Pine Grove Seniors facility. Canteen will be open. New vendors welcomed! More information call Jen @ 204-423-2223 or Shawny @ 204-437-2600.
Southeast Farmer’s Market
Pine Grove Seniors CentreIf you can't make it, bake it or grow it....you can buy it at the Farmer's Market. A variety of local vendors will be selling their goods indoors at the Pine Grove Seniors facility. Canteen will be open. New vendors welcomed! More information call Jen @ 204-423-2223 or Shawny @ 204-437-2600.
Sno-Riders Membership Drive
Southeast SnoRiders Groomer Shop 58-028 Tower Rd., Woodridge, Manitoba, CanadaSouth East Sno-Riders Membership Drive December 9, 2023 Free hot dog roast for new and current members!