Canada Day in Sunrise Corner was wild – with fireworks, live bands, rodeo and sports – people from all over came out to celebrate Canada’s 150 years!
Festivities started in South Junction, where crowds gathered for free hot dogs, cookies, local bands and fireworks. The show was spectacular!
The next morning in Vita, parade entries took to the streets despite the rain clouds. The day cleared up to be warm and sunny – perfect for an afternoon of baseball and rodeo!
The Heartland Rodeo brought bull riding, bronc riding, steer wrestling and a lot more to the festival grounds! It was a show to remember.
As the sky turned darker, the lights came up and Quinton Blaire performed live for a music video – at the same time entertaining the crowds gathered in the beer gardens to wait for fireworks.
The fireworks in Vita are renowned for being the best in eastern Manitoba. Canfire did not disappoint! The display was the best yet.
Here in Sunrise Corner, we’re proud to be Canadian. It sure shows in our celebrations!