Looking to fill up your weekends this month? Sunrise Corner has something for you – whether it be a community social with friends and family or a private workshop to work on a better you. (Workshops may have limited spaces. Contact the organizers for more information.)
May 12, 2018
Piney’s Annual Mother’s Day Tea

Spend some quality time with your mom at the Piney Community Centre for food and door prizes at the annual Mother’s Day tea. Starting at 12:30, there will be lunch, bingo, and draws. It’s the perfect way to spend your afternoon. There will also be a bedding plants, floral bouquet and bake table.
Free will offering at the door. All proceeds go to the Vassar and Area Baseball Program and the Piney 4-H Clovers.
Spring Fling
Feeling social? Spend your day at the Sprague Evergreen Senior’s Centre for food, a silent auction, 50/50 draw, bake sale and raffle.
Event starts at 10:00 AM.
For more information, or to purchase raffle tickets, call Georgina: 204-437-4606 or Darlene: 204-437-3238
“You can eat that?!” Wild Edible Adventure
Get ready for a fun adventure in wild edible plant identification, harvesting and preparation! These one-day workshops will give you the confidence you need to
incorporate a variety of common wild edibles into everyday meals. With Laura’s guidance, you will prepare a full-course meal with a variety of wild edibles that
you gathered yourself! Class size is limited to 12.
Register by calling or emailing: (204) 425-3520, info@psbotanicals.com
Find us on Facebook: @PrairieShoreBotanicals
Located in Gardenton, MB
Equine Facilitated Wellness & Horsemanship Retreat
Get introduced to the role horses can play in healing. Participants will learn new skills to support healthier and respectful relationships. This full day workshop/retreat is offered in a relaxing rural setting of Stuartburn, MB. Lunch and snacks will be provided. Please contact us at eagleridgewellness@outlook.com if you have any questions or would like to receive a registration form.
Woodridge Community Auction
Feel like shopping? Or spring cleaning? The Woodridge Community Club is hosting a public auction between 11 am and 2 pm for any treasures you may have tucked away in your garage, shed or home. For more information, or to register, please contact Stan: 204-429-2253.
May 19, 2018
Woodridge Firefighters’ Breakfast Fundraiser
Now is the time to support the firefighters who keep our community’s safe. Breakfast will be served from 9:30-11:30.
Breakfast by donation. Proceeds go to the Woodridge Fire Hall.
50 Years of Basketball Celebration
Join the community of Sprague for a day of celebration – 50 years of basketball by the R.L.G. School Raiders. The school and the Sprague & District Historical Museum will be open from 1:00-5:00pm. Come and see Sprague’s amazing history. There will be a basketball scrimmage at the school from 2:00-4:00pm. A dinner and dance will follow at the Sprague Hall featuring F&R Music.
Tickets for the dinner and dance are available at Karl & Kays in Sprague, the Vassar Corner Store, and South Junction Co-op.
Call Doris: 204-437-2210
May 20, 2018
Vita Friendship Center Pancake Breakfast
Start your Sunday off right! Join the community of Vita for a pancake breakfast from 10am to 2pm.
Tickets at the door: $7
May 24, 2018
Shevchenko School’s Songs and Sweets
Let your ears be delighted by the sound of music. Join Shevchenko School’s senior choir of Vita, MB in their annual concert – Songs and Sweets. Music and dessert starts at 7 pm in the school music room.
Adults: $5 Students: $3