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February 2022 Economic Development Update:

If 2022 was the year for something new, what would that look like for you? Perhaps your “something new” is starting a business and becoming your own boss. If so, Sunrise Corner is here to provide you with resources and guidance to point you in the best direction to meet your goals, and we can provide assistance right through to the launch of your new business.

Entrepreneurs start their businesses from all different perspectives. Sometimes it’s a family business they always knew they were going to join or build into something bigger and better. Sometimes they’ve started a side gig and are ready to take it full-time. Other times, they simply want to be their own boss but don’t have a solid business idea or they have so many ideas they’re paralyzed.

No matter where you’re coming from, here are a couple ideas to help:

Inventory your strengths. What activities are you really good at and enjoy? If you’re great with dogs, that could be the basis for pet grooming or training business. Maybe you have years of experience working in big companies as a project manager or marketing guru that could evolve into a consulting business. It could be that you can fix just about anything and would be perfect offering repair services. On the other hand, you might be really good at preparing income tax returns, but if you don’t particularly enjoy doing it, maybe that’s not the right idea for your business.

Get inspiration from your hobbies. What do you do just for fun? Whether you’re a maker, baker, artist, writer, outdoor adventurer, or photographer, you can develop a business by either selling your products or offering a service. So as a nature photographer, you could make cards and framed prints or you could sell your expertise through photography classes in the great outdoors. If you’ve been told you make the best perogies, offer a monthly subscription service for your product or cooking classes to teach others. Alternatively, if your hobby is karaoke singing but you really can’t carry a tune, it might be best to keep that as a hobby.

No matter what stage your business is at, I’d love to hear from you. If you’d like to discuss some ideas or get help narrowing down the options, feel free to reach out.

Monique Chenier