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November 2023 Economic Development Update:

Sunrise Corner is the partnership of the RMs of Piney and Stuartburn promoting the southeast corner of Manitoba, Canada as an incredible place to live, work, play, visit, invest and explore. One of the ways we do that is to partner with other organizations that provide business owners with resources to successfully achieve their goals.

Piney Regional Chamber of Commerce

If you’re looking to learn skills to help build your business, connect with other local businesses, and contribute back to the community, you should consider membership in the Piney Regional Chamber of Commerce. Formed in 2016, the mission of PRCC is to promote an environment which fosters economic development, works in partnership with our civic agencies, and provides value to members through education, networking and cultural interests thereby enhancing our region for work, play, raising families and doing business. www.pineyregionalchamber.ca

Community Futures Triple R

If you’re looking for support to develop a business plan or obtain funding to undertake an expansion of your business or start a new one, you’ll want to learn more about Community Futures Triple R. They are a community-based economic renewal initiative funded by the Government of Canada and directed by local volunteer boards. Their main objectives are to help rural Canadians start or expand a business and to help sustain and improve communities and their local economies. www.cfmanitoba.ca/triple-r

Eastman Tourism

If you have a tourism-related business (and the majority of businesses could directly or indirectly count visitors as customers), you’ll want to join Eastman Tourism. They are the official Regional Tourism Association in Eastern Manitoba. They provide quality tourism information, support tourism operators and agencies, and facilitate networking and collaborations that strengthen the Eastern Manitoba tourism industry. www.eastmantourism.ca

Travel Manitoba

If your business caters to people visiting our region, you need to know about Travel Manitoba’s free and paid promotional opportunities. Travel Manitoba is a Crown corporation whose role is to provide leadership by collaborating with tourism businesses, communities, destination marketing organizations and governments to realize the full potential for tourism in Manitoba. www.travelmanitoba.com

If you are looking to start a new business or grow your existing business, I invite you to get in touch with me and I can direct you to these organizations and others that can best meet your needs.

Monique Chenier