Sunrise Corner Business Directory

Sunrise Corner Business Directory

Welcome to our online business directory. Sunrise Corner is the partnership of the Rural Municipalities of Piney and Stuartburn who have teamed up to share the beautiful southeast corner of Manitoba, Canada with the world. The online directory helps you discover all the businesses and organizations that make this region an incredible place to live, work, play, visit, invest and explore.

Contact Details
  • Gary Hora
  • (204) 380-9624
  • Woodridge

The Woodridge Sandhogs Atv Club has the intent to work with our local and province governments, as well as all other groups in our riding area. The benefits of shared resources, information and work force helps not only all user groups but the local community and businesses to grow and flourish in the Sandilands Provincial Forest.

The Woodridge Sandhogs have been a part of our provincial Atv association since 2009, and we have been working closely with Manitoba Conservation since 2009 as well. Our working relationship with MB Conservation has started with the local departments and increased to working with upper management of Conservation. We have taken great strides to keep our relationship with all levels of Conservation open and transparent. Currently we have been involved with AtvMb, MB Conservation and our local RM of Piney in developing a sustainable designated Atv trail system in the Sandilands Forest. This has been a long process, starting from 2010 till current, of which we are now in the final stages of approvals. The Woodridge Sandhogs have been a registered organization with the Manitoba government since 2009, and we also carry full liability insurance and director / officers insurance for our club through AtvMb.


Follow us

Woodridge, MB, Canada

Mailing Address

Box 19, Woodridge, MB R0A-2N0

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